Movie Genie helps you discover new movies to watch. Movie Genie is an app that simply generates a list of good movies to watch based on the preferences that you set.
You can specify:
* the genre
* the minimum rating
* the minimum number of votes
* the minimum and maximum duration
* the minimum and maximum year of release
* the language
and Movie Genie will suggest you movies that satisfy your preferences.
If you find a movie that interests you, you can read some more info about the movie, watch a trailer or look it up on IMDb. If you find a movie that you have already seen, you can add it to the ignore list in order to hide it from future results.
Additional Features:
– Exchange ignored movies with your friend over NFC to make join searches.
– Talk to the genie; voice search to set your preferences.
– Discover trending movies with the Popular Movies feature.
Discovering great movies that suit your taste, has become as as easy as it gets! Find out more at
NOTE: This app is only a movie discovery app, it does NOT provide a way to watch the movies. However, other sites do…